We were able to attend New Moon together as sisters and met up with Jamie for lunch at Texas Roadhouse on November 21st. We then all got together for Thanksgiving at Michele's house. Despite the odd contention, we all have a great and memorable time together.

Michael was recently ordained a Deacon in the Priesthood and is taking the roll very serious.
With two weeks left until Christmas we are preparing for a quiet Christmas at home. The kids are trying to convince us that we should be in Montana at Grandma's house, which we have done in years past.
Afton is wearing makeup and can't leave the house until perfected. She never even cared about her hair or clothes matching before. She really wants lots of clothes for Christmas. Mike has been moved into a new class at school and is doing better. He was in the same class as his best friends and accomplished very little. He is really getting into Arts, writing and reading. He spends most of his time on his DS w/ Guitar Hero game.
Wayne is still in the job search and is currently picking up shifts at the local gas station as a cashier to help subsidize the income.
Merry Christmas to all.
Hey girl! Thanks for the update!
What size is Afton wearing now?
We still need to talk if you want some pics. Do you want me to call you tomorrow {Sunday}?
Mel, I love to hear about you and your family! :) Merry Christmas to all of you! Hopefully we'll be getting together again soon. :)
What a blessing that your husband is able to get some part-time work!
We have no income right now, and I know how every little bit makes a difference!
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