Friday, August 29, 2008

Peaceful week

Well, as you may or not know - I was laid off last week for 'medical reasons.' It has come to be a blessing as I was quite sick most of the week. I have had neurological problems, speach delays and totally spaciness.
The kids are adjusting in school well. I had a followup appointment with my neurologist before my insurance runs out and she has increased my medication and is happy that I haven't had any numbness on either side of my body. I'm glad she's so happy! We are freaked out by the latest delays. I have had some blood taken to check my liver. The medication I am on, Depakote, is known to have adverse effects on the kidneys and liver which would cause neuro problems like speach . . etc. Of course she is out of the office on Fridays and Monday is a holiday . . . ggrr. I hope I find out soon what's going on.
We went to Lehi High School's first football game of the season. Let's just say the kids were bored and I was none too happy to let my kids out of my sight. Brendan needed to go to the bathroom so Michael and Afton took him and I gave them a few dollars to stop by the 'snack bar' to get some goodies. It seemed like they were gone forever! They were out of eye shot and I got more and more fearful with each passing minute that my tiny little babies (10 1/2 and 12) were being harrassed by the big school bullies. Well, it turns out I have a few phobias, but my kids are growing and I need to give them space - - next time I'll take walkie talkies or something so I don't get scared. Now, don't get me wrong - nothing happened to them, but crap they could have gotten pinched, pushed or even turned in circles with a blindfold on. I just can't let them go at such a young age. Now I know why Mum used to not get to sleep until I was home at night as a teen!!
The final score was 0-2. We all got into it when the coach decided with 6 seconds left to go for a field goal (3pts). It ended dismally, but we will go again tonight to support our Lehi Pioneers!!

1 comment:

Shannon @ Lifelong Impressions said...

How are you feeling now? I hope it is better.