Spring had always been my favorite time of year - but now, I think I like Fall better. A few cool days, a few warm days, still some flowers blooming but now to the background of coloring hills.
As you can see from the photos, Brendan is loving his football classes. He thinks he is such hot stuff - of course he is and I encourage that I am sure. He is learning to kick off the little tee-thingie, throw the ball into the air to get points, catching, learning the terms of the game and getting two laffy taffy candies at the end.

In this one he is the quarterback, after coming up with the ball you can see the coach has to give him a shove in the correct position. Even after being shoved, he still turned around the other way and ran behind his team. Just goes to show that he has Aussie Rules in his blood - so much for those yankee rules!
My health - I can tell a diference now with my new medications. I am not near as tired and do not have near the headaches. I have had one headache in the last two weeks! I actually have a little bit of energy, which I overuse and burn off fast leaving me tired again but I am learning my new limits.